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Mittwoch, 25. August 2010
25. August 2010
I updated my notebook (core 2, 2 GHz) short time ago from openSuSE 11.1-x64 to 11.3-x64. In the past I used this machine once in a while to build vanilla. But my last try was some month ago, because I was busy with other tasks. When I installed the openSuSE 11.3 on my box, I get every service for my daily use running first. After my return from our holiday trip I started work on the missing features of my new Linux. I reconstructed the build environment for with the install of some more rpm. After this I was able to run ./configure --with-system-mozilla --disable-ldap --disable-binfilter without an error.
But after source and ./bootstrap the make command stoped in the directory cppunit with an error:
dmake: Error code 2, while making './'
I can't find a solution for this issue but I get help from Thorsten Behrens in the go-oo channel. He pointed me to a patch in the go-oo repro: build-allow-system-cppunit-1.12.0.diff.
This patch changes the line in the from
PKG_CHECK_MODULES( CPPUNIT, cppunit >= 1.12.1 )
PKG_CHECK_MODULES( CPPUNIT, cppunit >= 1.12.0 )
I had to do a autoconf and to restart ./configure with the addition of the option --with-system-cppunit.
This solved the error inside the cppunit folder.
But I ran into an new error short afterwards. This error had to do with the new compiler gcc 4.5. The error message told me that this compiler is unsupported. I had to do another patch of the code. I get this patch also from the go-oo repro. It is written down in the file cppu-lbnames-enable-gcc-4.5.diff. I had to patch the file cppu/inc/uno/lbnames.h.
I changed two lines:
elif (__GNUC__ == 4 && __GNUC_MINOR__ <= 4)
#elif (__GNUC__ == 4 && __GNUC_MINOR__ <= 5)
#error "Supported gcc majors are 2 , 3 and 4 <= 4.4. Unsupported gcc major version."
#error "Supported gcc majors are 2 , 3 and 4 <= 4.5. Unsupported gcc major version."
Now every thing build fine and I get
But after source and ./bootstrap the make command stoped in the directory cppunit with an error:
dmake: Error code 2, while making './'
I can't find a solution for this issue but I get help from Thorsten Behrens in the go-oo channel. He pointed me to a patch in the go-oo repro: build-allow-system-cppunit-1.12.0.diff.
This patch changes the line in the from
PKG_CHECK_MODULES( CPPUNIT, cppunit >= 1.12.1 )
PKG_CHECK_MODULES( CPPUNIT, cppunit >= 1.12.0 )
I had to do a autoconf and to restart ./configure with the addition of the option --with-system-cppunit.
This solved the error inside the cppunit folder.
But I ran into an new error short afterwards. This error had to do with the new compiler gcc 4.5. The error message told me that this compiler is unsupported. I had to do another patch of the code. I get this patch also from the go-oo repro. It is written down in the file cppu-lbnames-enable-gcc-4.5.diff. I had to patch the file cppu/inc/uno/lbnames.h.
I changed two lines:
elif (__GNUC__ == 4 && __GNUC_MINOR__ <= 4)
#elif (__GNUC__ == 4 && __GNUC_MINOR__ <= 5)
#error "Supported gcc majors are 2 , 3 and 4 <= 4.4. Unsupported gcc major version."
#error "Supported gcc majors are 2 , 3 and 4 <= 4.5. Unsupported gcc major version."
Now every thing build fine and I get
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Sonntag, 20. Juni 2010
20. Juni 2010
Nachdem der PDF-Export von seit Version 2.4 weitere Verbesserungen erfahren hat, habe ich heute meine Dokumentation zu diesem Export auf die aktuelle stabile Version 3.2.1 von angepasst. Die Dokumentation steht unter der Public Document License und kann von den Seiten des deutschsprachigen Projektes unter folgender URL im Dateiformat PDF herunter geladen werden:
Für Dokumentationen rund um empfehle ich einen Blick auf die Seite Falls Sie auch Dokumentationen in englischer Sprache interessant finden, lohnt sich ein Blick auf die Seiten von OOoAuthors.
Für Dokumentationen rund um empfehle ich einen Blick auf die Seite Falls Sie auch Dokumentationen in englischer Sprache interessant finden, lohnt sich ein Blick auf die Seiten von OOoAuthors.
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Sonntag, 7. März 2010
7. März 2010
Auf der Cebit 2010 in Hannover habe ich am 6. März im Forum Open Source eine Präsentation mit dem Titel "Mehr drin! Extras für Ihr" gehalten. Darin habe ich aufgezeigt, warum Extensions sinnvoll sind, welche Arten es gibt und wie sich so um weitere Funktionen ergänzen lässt. Ich habe dann die Webseite für Extensions gezeigt, erläutert, wie man dort nach der gewünschten Extension suchen kann und wie sich gefundene Erweiterungen in installieren lassen.
Ich bin danach auf einige aus meiner Sicht sehr nützliche Extension eingegangen, zu denen auch Vorlagen-Extension gehören. Dies leitete zu dem weiteren Unterthema meiner Präsentation über, dem Hinzufügen von Vorlagen zu Diese lassen sich auch einzeln von einer speziellen Webseite des Projektes herunterladen und mit Bordmitteln für das Programm bekannt machen. Danach lassen sie sich für neue Dokumente als Vorlage verwenden.
Zum Abschluss meiner Präsentation habe ich noch Informationen zum Erstellen von Non-Code-Extension gegeben. Dabei habe ich dargestellt, wie einfach es ist, sich eine eigene Vorlagen-Extension mit einem verfügbaren Extension-Template zu bauen.
Meine Präsentation im PDF-Datei-Format finden Sie hier.
Ich bin danach auf einige aus meiner Sicht sehr nützliche Extension eingegangen, zu denen auch Vorlagen-Extension gehören. Dies leitete zu dem weiteren Unterthema meiner Präsentation über, dem Hinzufügen von Vorlagen zu Diese lassen sich auch einzeln von einer speziellen Webseite des Projektes herunterladen und mit Bordmitteln für das Programm bekannt machen. Danach lassen sie sich für neue Dokumente als Vorlage verwenden.
Zum Abschluss meiner Präsentation habe ich noch Informationen zum Erstellen von Non-Code-Extension gegeben. Dabei habe ich dargestellt, wie einfach es ist, sich eine eigene Vorlagen-Extension mit einem verfügbaren Extension-Template zu bauen.
Meine Präsentation im PDF-Datei-Format finden Sie hier.
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Samstag, 23. Mai 2009
23. Mai 2009
The nomination for the SourceForge Community Choice Awards expire at the 29th of May. Vote now for your favorite project!

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Montag, 20. April 2009
20. April 2009
In the last weeks Marko and I worked on an new Plone instance for, a documentation writing group inside the community of This new instance is based on Plone 3.3. I created it with a buildout. The design of the new site was inside a new Product for Plone.
The content of the English and the German section is now copied to the new instance. We had to change the status of every directory and file, because there is a workflow installed inside the instance.
You can find the new instance here:
The content of the English and the German section is now copied to the new instance. We had to change the status of every directory and file, because there is a workflow installed inside the instance.
You can find the new instance here:
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Mittwoch, 8. April 2009
8. April 2009
In the last week I finished the upgrade of the Joomla Content Management System, that we use for the site of our association Deutschland e.V. We use now Joomla 1.5.10. You can see a screenshot of the new site below. There are only very slight differences for the user. But it's a very big step forward for administrators.

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Samstag, 28. März 2009
28. März 2009
Last weekend I finished the setup of the new Joomla instance for our association Deutschland e.V. (OOoDeV). Today there was an security update for Joomla. Therefor I updated the new OOoDeV site from Joomla 1.5.9 to 1.5.10 without any issues.">
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Donnerstag, 26. März 2009
26. März 2009
I checked out OOo300m45 from the subversion repository yesterday. Today I build OOo out of this source without binfilter, with-system-mozilla and without-ldap on an netbook with an Atom 270 processor and openSuSE 11.1 The buildtime in this environment was about 13 hours and 15 minutes. I got now a installation set of rpm files on my box. Tomorrow I'll install and test them.
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Sonntag, 22. März 2009
22. März 2009
In the last days I managed to upgrade the site of our assoziation Deutschland e.V. (OOoDeV) from Joomla 1.0.15 to 1.5.9. There are many new features inside this new version. Everything that we need to run our site is part of Joomla-Core now. The most difficult work was to set the old search engine friendly URLs to the same pages inside the new site. Today we get the solution for this. Now every thing is finished and the new site will go online in the next days.
If you come across to our site ( you won't see anything different. The impressive changes are inside Joomla. Every thing works now more smoothly.
If you come across to our site ( you won't see anything different. The impressive changes are inside Joomla. Every thing works now more smoothly.
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Montag, 16. März 2009
16. März 2009
Last weekend I set up a local installation of the current Joomla CMS, that we use to manage the website of our association Deutschland e.V. I used this local installation to check, if an upgrade to the current version 1.5.9 of Joomla works.
I had to use a special migration component, because there are some significant changes of the database structure. I installed this component inside the old Joomla instance and ran the migration script. At the end I exported the converted mysql database.
Next I created a new empty database inside my mysql instance, installed Joomla 1.5.9 and connected it to the new database. Then I installed inside the new Joomla instance a migration assistant and imported the converted database.
Next I installed some additional components and plugins and activated some components. Now every thing works on my laptop as expected.
Now we can setup a new instance in the wild and try to migrate the site of Deutschland e.V.
I think we will manage this within a week.
I had to use a special migration component, because there are some significant changes of the database structure. I installed this component inside the old Joomla instance and ran the migration script. At the end I exported the converted mysql database.
Next I created a new empty database inside my mysql instance, installed Joomla 1.5.9 and connected it to the new database. Then I installed inside the new Joomla instance a migration assistant and imported the converted database.
Next I installed some additional components and plugins and activated some components. Now every thing works on my laptop as expected.
Now we can setup a new instance in the wild and try to migrate the site of Deutschland e.V.
I think we will manage this within a week.
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