Archiv der Kategorie 'Plone'
Samstag, 11. September 2010
11. September 2010
I looked on the site of and saw that the new Plone 4 is released. I'll try it out and check, if it works with the current content (database) of the OOoAuthors site. If every thing works as expected, I'll work on a customized design for OOoAuthors. Once the prototype is ready, I'll invite other members of OOoAuthors to try it out and give feedback. I hope to finish this first step at the end of September.
Kategorie Plone |
11. September 2010
I looked on the site of and saw that the new Plone 4 is released. I'll try it out and check, if it works with the current content (database) of the OOoAuthors site. If every thing works as expected, I'll work on a customized design for OOoAuthors. Once the prototype is ready, I'll invite other members of OOoAuthors to try it out and give feedback. I hope to finish this first step at the end of September.
Kategorie Plone |
Montag, 11. Januar 2010
11. Januar 2010
The OOoAuthors uses the Content Management System Plone for writing, reviewing and publishing of Documentation about The documents themselfs are created with the Office-Suite of the year 2010 -
The Plone CMS for OOoAuthors was initialized with a buildout script. This makes an update to a newer version of Plone (i.e. a bugfix release) very fast. It takes less than 20 minutes.
The Plone CMS for OOoAuthors was initialized with a buildout script. This makes an update to a newer version of Plone (i.e. a bugfix release) very fast. It takes less than 20 minutes.
Kategorie Plone |
Donnerstag, 4. Juni 2009
4. Juni 2009
In the last weeks Marko and myself worked on a new Plone instance for The new instance is used now for production. You can find this new Plone 3.3 instance under her URL Thanks to the OOoAuthors team (inside the Documentation team of OOo) for the feedback.
Kategorie Plone |
Sonntag, 5. April 2009
5. April 2009
This weekend I created a new Plone instance for OOoAuthors. I had to manage some issues. Now the first steps of the setup process are finished. We could start with customizing and copying the content from the current instance in the next days. This will last some time, because there is much content to copy.
The new instance will be much easier to maintain. It is setup with the current buildout process.
The new instance will be much easier to maintain. It is setup with the current buildout process.
Kategorie Plone |
Sonntag, 15. Februar 2009
15. Februar 2009
Yesterday I started the buildout for the OOoAuthors test instance on the server of our association ( Deutschland e.V.). The new instance with Plone 3.2.1 is now up and running. The content is visible inside the instance, but there are some issue to change the state of content to external visible. First I found out, that the add-on product CMF-Placeful-Workflow causes some problems. It was nearly imposible to change the state of folders to external visible. I unistalled this package and then I'm able to change the state of directories. But there are some issues left about the state of odt-files. They get currently no state and therefore it is imposible to change their state. They are currently only visible inside the Plone instance.
Kategorie Plone |
Samstag, 14. Februar 2009
14. Februar 2009
I started yesterday an update of my local test instance for OOoAuthors to Plone 3.2.1. Because there are changes in the way a Plone buildout works now, I had to change my buildout scripts. After some talks with the Plone community I managed to get the zeoserver with two instances build and running.
This new version of Plone is complete egg based. It seemed that updates become more easy in the future than they worked with versions up to 2.5.x (and also 3.1.x). This release of Plone is more oriented in changing the technique of installation. The next version 3.3 (planed for March) should ship some new key features, especially for WebDAV.
I will work on updating the test instance for the OOoAuthors site (on a server of Deutschland e.V. - a association in Germany) over the weekend.
This new version of Plone is complete egg based. It seemed that updates become more easy in the future than they worked with versions up to 2.5.x (and also 3.1.x). This release of Plone is more oriented in changing the technique of installation. The next version 3.3 (planed for March) should ship some new key features, especially for WebDAV.
I will work on updating the test instance for the OOoAuthors site (on a server of Deutschland e.V. - a association in Germany) over the weekend.
Kategorie Plone |
Sonntag, 21. Dezember 2008
21. Dezember 2008
I build a test instance with the current Plone version for OOoAuthors. Therefore I used a buildout script and put the instance on a server of the association Deutschland e.V.
In the last week I put some content of the original authors page into the test instance. We need to test now, if every thing works in a way we estimate.

In the last week I put some content of the original authors page into the test instance. We need to test now, if every thing works in a way we estimate.

Kategorie Plone |
Mittwoch, 17. Dezember 2008
17. Dezember 2008
I build a test instance for OOoAuthors with Plone 3.1.7 during the last two weeks. I used for this a buildout script. The instance runs on a server of the association Deutschland e.V. now.
One of the things, that are missing now, is content. I will put some test content into the new site. So it would be easier to evaluate, if every thing works.
We will see.
One of the things, that are missing now, is content. I will put some test content into the new site. So it would be easier to evaluate, if every thing works.
We will see.
Kategorie Plone |
Sonntag, 23. November 2008
23. November 2008
I created some test content inside my plone buildout site and worked a little bit more on the layout of the site today. I created a navigation portlet on the left (see the picture below):

Kategorie Plone |