Archiv der Kategorie 'Plone'

Sonntag, 3. Juli 2011
There were a discussion about the choosing of a license in the release page of the projected LibreOffice extension and template center. It was complained that a contributor will not be aware about the choose of the license, because of a drop down field that was already initialized with a default license. I changed the drop down field to a radio format and added a new warning text to the description of the field (see the screenshot below). I think this will solve the issue.

Kategorie Plone | 
Samstag, 2. Juli 2011
I had some difficulties with the former theme product (plonetheme.basic), because it doesn't work fine with Plone 4.0.7 and after some tweaks it works only fine in the show modus but not in the edit modus. I can't see any lists in the edit modus. I had to edit in html-view. That was very annoying.
Thus I created a new theme product from scratch and changed this new product to the styles of the new Sunburst theme of Plone. The edit mode works fine now and our website team at (the website of the German association Freies Office Deutschland e.V.) can start its work now ;-)
Kategorie Plone | 
Dienstag, 28. Juni 2011
I updated three Plone instances with the Plone-Hotfix-Patch today. This instances were used by the German Association (NGO) Freies Office Deutschland e.V., the current legal entity behind LibreOffice /TDF, the ODFAuthors group and for the upcomming LibreOffice extensions and templates repository. The security update for Plone takes - as usal - less than 10 minutes per instance.
Kategorie Plone | 
The Plone Software Center drives the upcoming LibreOffice Extension and Template Center. Because some of the extensions for LibreOffice had to be build and released especially for Linux-x64, the Plone Software Center need an option for that. I added this option last weekend and uploaded it with an special penguin image to the community repository of Plone today.
Kategorie Plone | 
Freitag, 4. Februar 2011
I added Plone Software Center to my local buildout script and and installed this add-on product. Afterwards I activated this product and created a software center in my local Plone instance. I tested some features of this product to get an overview of the features of this product.
This product is used on to provide the software and a lot of add-ons:
Kategorie Plone | 
I worked today on an update of OOoAuthors to a new minor version of Plone 4. Every thing went smoothly and it took shorter then I expected. I made a backup of the database and run the buildout of Plone during 8 minutes. ODFAuthors is up to date now.
Kategorie Plone | 
Sonntag, 23. Januar 2011
I worked on a RSS-Feed for the new ODFAuthors site today. It was a bit tricky to enable it, because it is well hidden ;-)
But this feature is now available for every folder of the site. It can be enabled for every folder seperately. There is a first feed (for test purpose) available at
Kategorie Plone | 
Mittwoch, 12. Januar 2011
I worked on a new Plone4 CMS for the authors around Open Document Format with Jean since Christmas. I run into some trouble to get the necessary content from to the new site. Now we have nearly finished our work with the setup of the new environment. The new CMS for authors around ODF is online and wait for its users from the documentation teams of and LibreOffice (and maybe later from other ODF open source applications). The site is available at or Get your account on the new plattform and have fun ;-)

Kategorie Plone | 
Donnerstag, 6. Januar 2011
I created a new Plone 4 instance (a powerfull CMS) for the team of Authors around the Open Document Format. The site get a new layout with the color orange. There is some work to do, but we try to finish it in the next days.
Kategorie Plone | 
Sonntag, 2. Januar 2011
The group of authors, which work on documentation about and (now also) LibreOffice, use currently a Plone 3 instance. I'm working on a new Plone 4 instance for this group under a new name and URL. This instance is setup on a resource of the DocumentFoundation and the current stuff from has been migrated.
Yet we had to think about a reordering of the stuff, so that it suits more to the needs of the group in the future. I prefer also a new layout with a clearer presentation to the user.
Kategorie Plone |