Montag, 25. Oktober 2010
I had a little fight wit git push in the last days. Today i won this fight with the help of the LibreOffice Community and get my first commits pushed to the repository. There are some more easy tasks remaining for the next days.
Kategorie LibreOffice | 
Samstag, 11. September 2010
I looked on the site of and saw that the new Plone 4 is released. I'll try it out and check, if it works with the current content (database) of the OOoAuthors site. If every thing works as expected, I'll work on a customized design for OOoAuthors. Once the prototype is ready, I'll invite other members of OOoAuthors to try it out and give feedback. I hope to finish this first step at the end of September.
Kategorie Plone | 
I looked on the site of and saw that the new Plone 4 is released. I'll try it out and check, if it works with the current content (database) of the OOoAuthors site. If every thing works as expected, I'll work on a customized design for OOoAuthors. Once the prototype is ready, I'll invite other members of OOoAuthors to try it out and give feedback. I hope to finish this first step at the end of September.
Kategorie Plone | 
Mittwoch, 25. August 2010
I updated my notebook (core 2, 2 GHz) short time ago from openSuSE 11.1-x64 to 11.3-x64. In the past I used this machine once in a while to build vanilla. But my last try was some month ago, because I was busy with other tasks. When I installed the openSuSE 11.3 on my box, I get every service for my daily use running first. After my return from our holiday trip I started work on the missing features of my new Linux. I reconstructed the build environment for with the install of some more rpm. After this I was able to run ./configure --with-system-mozilla --disable-ldap --disable-binfilter without an error.

But after source and ./bootstrap the make command stoped in the directory cppunit with an error:
dmake: Error code 2, while making './'

I can't find a solution for this issue but I get help from Thorsten Behrens in the go-oo channel. He pointed me to a patch in the go-oo repro: build-allow-system-cppunit-1.12.0.diff.
This patch changes the line in the from
PKG_CHECK_MODULES( CPPUNIT, cppunit >= 1.12.1 )
PKG_CHECK_MODULES( CPPUNIT, cppunit >= 1.12.0 )

I had to do a autoconf and to restart ./configure with the addition of the option --with-system-cppunit.
This solved the error inside the cppunit folder.

But I ran into an new error short afterwards. This error had to do with the new compiler gcc 4.5. The error message told me that this compiler is unsupported. I had to do another patch of the code. I get this patch also from the go-oo repro. It is written down in the file cppu-lbnames-enable-gcc-4.5.diff. I had to patch the file cppu/inc/uno/lbnames.h.
I changed two lines:
elif (__GNUC__ == 4 && __GNUC_MINOR__ <= 4)


#elif (__GNUC__ == 4 && __GNUC_MINOR__ <= 5)


#error "Supported gcc majors are 2 , 3 and 4 <= 4.4. Unsupported gcc major version."


#error "Supported gcc majors are 2 , 3 and 4 <= 4.5. Unsupported gcc major version."

Now every thing build fine and I get
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Mittwoch, 7. Juli 2010
The upcomming release of, version 3.3 contains two new options for the PDF export. This options are: AllowDuplicateFieldNames and EmbedStandardFonts. They are both from type boolean. The second option embed the fonts into the PDF file. The other option allow duplicated field names in forms.
You can download this new version of OOoPDFConverter from the Sourceforge website: or with this direct link. If you want to know something about the available options of OOoPDFConverter you can visit the website
OOoPDFConverter works in a terminal on Windows, Solaris, Linux and MacOS (there with a special java option: see my blog post

You can post your experience and use cases of OOoPDFConverter into one of the forums on You can also post and discuss ideas about new features there, which you want to see in OOoPDFConverter.
Kategorie OOoPDFConverter | 
Sonntag, 20. Juni 2010
Nachdem der PDF-Export von seit Version 2.4 weitere Verbesserungen erfahren hat, habe ich heute meine Dokumentation zu diesem Export auf die aktuelle stabile Version 3.2.1 von angepasst. Die Dokumentation steht unter der Public Document License und kann von den Seiten des deutschsprachigen Projektes unter folgender URL im Dateiformat PDF herunter geladen werden:
Für Dokumentationen rund um empfehle ich einen Blick auf die Seite Falls Sie auch Dokumentationen in englischer Sprache interessant finden, lohnt sich ein Blick auf die Seiten von OOoAuthors.
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