Mittwoch, 12. Januar 2011
I worked on a new Plone4 CMS for the authors around Open Document Format with Jean since Christmas. I run into some trouble to get the necessary content from to the new site. Now we have nearly finished our work with the setup of the new environment. The new CMS for authors around ODF is online and wait for its users from the documentation teams of and LibreOffice (and maybe later from other ODF open source applications). The site is available at or Get your account on the new plattform and have fun ;-)

Kategorie Plone | 
Donnerstag, 6. Januar 2011
I created a new Plone 4 instance (a powerfull CMS) for the team of Authors around the Open Document Format. The site get a new layout with the color orange. There is some work to do, but we try to finish it in the next days.
Kategorie Plone | 
Sonntag, 2. Januar 2011
The group of authors, which work on documentation about and (now also) LibreOffice, use currently a Plone 3 instance. I'm working on a new Plone 4 instance for this group under a new name and URL. This instance is setup on a resource of the DocumentFoundation and the current stuff from has been migrated.
Yet we had to think about a reordering of the stuff, so that it suits more to the needs of the group in the future. I prefer also a new layout with a clearer presentation to the user.
Kategorie Plone | 
Freitag, 24. Dezember 2010
Today I finished my documentation about the PDF export of LibreOffice in a first version. I wrote this documentation in the German language, because this is my mother tongue. You can find the document currently on my website: I published the documentation under the Creative Commons license. I'll find a place for the documentation on the TDF resources in the next days, after I clarified the right place for it.
Kategorie LibreOffice | 
Dienstag, 16. November 2010
Last Saturday and Sunday we, Jacqueline Rahemipour, Simon Wilper, Thomas Hackert and I, represented LibreOffice at the local Open Source "OpenRheinRuhr" in Oberhausen, Germany. We had to struggle with some difficulties. First there were some discussions about the process of the application of the booth for LibreOffice at this event. But we ignored this discussion.
But second there was a major difficulty to get to the OpenRheinRuhr on Saturday morning, because it was pouring. The streets and motorways were full of water. But all of us arrived in Oberhausen and had two days of interesting discussion with visitors and members of other Open Source projects. Many of them wanted to know more about our decision to create a foundation and the way of LibreOffice in the near future. We had a FAQ-Paper (thanks to Jacqueline) at our both, that we handed over to the visitors in addition to the face-to-face information. We get only positive feedback from our visitors (including members from other projects) about the founding of a foundation and the way of (to) LibreOffice. So it was very important for LibreOffice and the DocumentFoundation, that we have been at the OpenRheinRuhr. Especially because we could provide attendees, which visited the booth of OOo, with additional information.
The OpenRheinRuhr was a well organized event in a refurbished industrial building, the "Rheinische Industrie Museum". We are going to attend this local event next year again.
Kategorie LibreOffice |