Archiv der Kategorie 'Typo3'
Samstag, 10. April 2010
10. April 2010
Today I updated three Typo3 instances to version 4.3.3. I did it first for my test installation on my laptop. Because every thing went fine I made this changes to my test instance on the server of our association ( Deutschland e.V.) and to the beta instance of the LinuxTag e.V. Now we can work further on that instance to get it asap to the productive instance.
Kategorie Typo3 |
Donnerstag, 18. März 2010
18. März 2010
I installed Typo3 on my local machine and made my first steps. Then I started with TypoScript and created a sample template with the logo of the association Open Deutschland e.V.
There are some issues left. I'll create a footer in the next days and fill the box on the right with different content.

There are some issues left. I'll create a footer in the next days and fill the box on the right with different content.

Kategorie Typo3 |
Montag, 8. März 2010
8. März 2010
Today I worked a bit with Typo 3, installed some extensions and updated my local version from 4.2.x to 4.3.2. Every thing worked and the database is now up to date.
I'm able now to work with the new version and start to create a more sophisticated template in the next days.
I'm able now to work with the new version and start to create a more sophisticated template in the next days.
Kategorie Typo3 |