Sonntag, 3. Juli 2011
3. Juli 2011
Because some extensions works only in a special version with Linux-x64 I created a new option for releases in the PloneSoftwareCenter. I commited this option some days ago to the Plone community repository. Today I updated the LibreOffice ExtensionCenter site with all the changes I and others did in the last days to PloneSoftwareCenter. See the picture below for the new 64-penguin.

Kategorie Plone |
3. Juli 2011
There were a discussion about the choosing of a license in the release page of the projected LibreOffice extension and template center. It was complained that a contributor will not be aware about the choose of the license, because of a drop down field that was already initialized with a default license. I changed the drop down field to a radio format and added a new warning text to the description of the field (see the screenshot below). I think this will solve the issue.

Kategorie Plone |