Freitag, 29. Juli 2011
29. Juli 2011
I worked on the next steps of the layout for the LibreOffice extension and template center. I made some changes to the main navbar at the top of the site. I worked on the pane where the search results where displayed and moved the list of the categories to the sitebar (see picture below). There are some steps left to finish the layout.

Kategorie Plone |
Dienstag, 26. Juli 2011
26. Juli 2011
I updated the LibreOffice extension and template site with a new layout. This layout lives in an own product inside the Plone instance. It contains a new cool logo and a special footer (see the picture below). Many thanks to our design team for this new logo.

Kategorie Plone |
Sonntag, 24. Juli 2011
24. Juli 2011
I made some progress in my work on the layout for the new LibreOffice extension and template center. I worked on the footer of the new site and get a first draft (see picture below).

Kategorie Plone |
Mittwoch, 20. Juli 2011
20. Juli 2011
I worked on the new layout for the LibreOffice extension and template center and created a nearly empty product. I added then some layout styles using templates from the great Sunburst layout of Plone. The template is now at its first step with a draft of the new logo for the extension site. It's work on progress on my local box.

Kategorie Plone |
Freitag, 8. Juli 2011
8. Juli 2011
The licenses were not displayed in the current state of PloneSoftwareCenter, the add-on that I use to create a new extension and template center for LibreOffice. The contributors had to decide, which of the available licenses they want to use for the release of their software / product. But their presetting is not visible in the overview page of their project. I decided to change this behavior and implemented a new column in the table, that displayed all releases (see the picture below). I'll commit this patch in the next days to the community repository of Plone, so that it is available in the LibreOffice extension/template site after the next buildout.

Kategorie Plone |